Academic publications
I publish internationally in peer-reviewed scholarly journal and collected editions. I write on performance and visual art, embodiment, audience reception, architecture and public art, migration, and education. I am currently working on my first monograph on the process of performance art (Routledge, 2024).
Viora, A. (2023), “Performing(on) Permeable Layers of Dwelling: B.O.D.Y. The Bureau of Domestic Yearning.”, Forum Kritika on Dancing Democracy in a FracturedWorld (special issue), KritikaKultura Ateneo, ISSN: 2094-6937.
Viora, A. (2022), "The Audience-Audience Relationship (...)" in Dimeo Álvarez, C., F.,Brenet, T., J., Głowacka, A., Hasior, A. (2022). El cuerpo del espectador / el cuerpo dellector (presencias reales del teatro y la literatura). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag. Printed. DOI: 10.3726/b19456
Viora, A. (2021). “A Performative Investigation of the Agency of Sound: Mapping the Sound/ Soundscape Portrait.” Australasian Drama Studies Journal, 79.
Viora, A., Evangelista, A., York-Pryce, S., Vionnet, C.,Dramé, A., Scally, W. D., & Agaronov, A. (2021). Six IlluminatedVideos. Journal of Embodied Research, 4(2), 2 (31:25).DOI:
Viora, A. (2019), Analysingthe Performance Art Process Through the Forces of Fragmentation and Union: An Offer. Monash University. Thesis.
Viora, A. (2019), ‘The Foreigner – Unknown Unlabelled Unexpected’, Performing Ethos, 9, pp. 91–96, DOI:10.1386/peet_00009_7.Printed.
Viora, A. (2017), ‘To Be or Not to Be There. When the Performer Leaves the Scene and Makes Room for the Audience’, Performance Research, 22:8, pp.135-143, DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2017.1433392 Printed.
Liotta V. and Viora A. (2012),‘Il Giardino delle Farfalle’(‘Butterflies Garden’), Arte,architettura e paesaggio (Art, architecture and landscape). Edited byMaspoli Rossella and Saccomandi Monica. Alinea Edizioni, Firenze (IT). Printed.
Non-academic publications
I enjoy writing for broader audiences on artivism (art + activism), social issues, contemporary art and culture, and all things Italian.
Viora, A. (2023), "Caravaggio's Shadow. Caravaggio as an artist of the people". ABR Australian Book Review, ABR Arts. 2nd October 2023.
Viora, A. (2023), "‘The Love of My Life’: The extraordinary story of an ordinary couple". Monash Lens, Politics and Society. 30th June 2023.
Viora, A. (2023), "Fare Cultura to Create Harmony". Segmento Magazine, Issue XXIX. Printed.
Viora, A. (2023), "Beauty is in the heart of the beholder". Segmento Magazine, Issue XXVIII. Printed.
Viora, A. (2023), "La GRAnde Bellezza". Segmento Magazine, Issue XXVIII. Printed.
Viora, A. (2022), "Piccinini's Celebration of Life, Diversity and Hope". Segmento Magazine, Issue XXVI. Printed.
Viora, A. (2022), "Back to the Mould: what we think is "gone" is full of life". Art & Culture, Segmento Magazine.
Press & Media (selected)
I am grateful for the interest in my academic and artistic work. Here is a selection of press and radio interviews as well as books and articles discussing my work. A complete list of interviews and featurings is available on my CV
SBS Italian. 'THE P.R.OMISED LAND: Alla scoperta dei nuovi italiani in Australia
Tarquini, Francesca. 'Accento e passaporto per sempre parte di me', Il Globo, 18/09/2023.
'Viva l'Italia' with Tony Tardio, podcast by Tony Tardio, 2nd Sept 2023. Melbourne (AUS)
Bennet, Sophie. 'Not 'bru-shetta': The Italian bill that would ban the use of English and mispronunciation'. SBS News, 4th April 2023.
Bleeker M.,Laine E., Metzger S., ‘How PSi Works: The Practice of Performance Studies’,Critical Stages/Scenes critiques, IACT Journal/Revue de l’AICT, June/Juin2019: Issue No 19.
Tomassini, Stefano. Tempo Fermo – Performance e Danza alla Prova dell’Impossibile,Scalpendi (Milan, IT), 2018. EAN:9788899473808 https://www.ibs./tempo-fermo-danza-performance-alla-libro-stefano-tomassini/e/9788899473808
SBS RADIO Interviews and Podcasts – SBS Italian, Melbourne (AUS)
- 'THE P.R.OMISED LAND: Alla scoperta dei nuovi italiani in Australia ' by Francesca Valdinoci and Massimiliano Gugole, 29th September 2023.
- 'L'arte di Angela Viora per combattere i cambiamenti climatici' by Francesca Rizzoli, 8th October 2022.
- ‘In Quale Citta’ Vorreste Vivere?’ by DarioCastaldo, 27th Nov 2018
- ‘Ravenna’s Byzantine Treasures’ by Sonia Buglione, 8th June 2018
- ‘Orvieto, Il Doppio Tesoro Nascosto’ by Sonia Buglione, 15th May 2018
- ‘Not Only Festival!Sanremo is a Place to Discover All Year Around!’ by Magica Fossati, 23rd April 2018
- ‘Hidden Italian Treasure’ – ‘Un insolitoitinerarioitaliano’ by FrancescaValdinoci, 18th April 2018
- ‘Melbourne Like You’ve Never Seen It’ by Francesca Rizzoli, 12th Nov 2016
RAI ITALIA TV, Angela Viora, dottoranda – performance artist, by Paolo Massa and Stefano Corti. 14th April 2017
‘Melbourne#47 –Sense of the City’ -